currently only accepting appointments
Saturday, sunday and Wednesday.
a mobile piercing
and babysitting service
where we trAvel to you
Specializing in
children and infants
Efficient and Safe Piercing
adequate babysitting services
our Team TrAvels to You
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Teyana Taylor & Iman Shumpert approves!
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About My
First Piercing
About My
First Piercing

My First piercing is a mobile piercing and babysitting service that comes to you.for children and infants that do best in their own environment. Although, we have expertise with children and infants, we pierce ANYONE and EVERYONE!

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Foundations of the

My First Piercing Experience!

WE DON'T USE PIERCING GUNS OR NEEDLES. We specialize in children and infants because piercing them young alLOws for a smooth process and efficient healIng TIME, WE ALSO service ANYONE & EVERYONE. PLUS WE TRAVEL TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. SEE alL of OUR LOcAtions
Our prices vary based upon your exact location (state, city, & address) for specific details see our schedulIng page! Our technicians are VERY experienced with over 10+ years in the field! Our technicians are ALSO medically certified and pediatrician recommended
We wilL provide you with a complementary My First Piercing brAnd calming oil for your child after their piercing! We accommodate ALl skin types! If you have any questions about our process, feel free to ask us!​ Or Check our Frequently asked questions
diamondsABOUT US ▶
States and surroundings
areas we service:
New York
North Carolina
CalL Before Booking!!!
800-517-9360Book NOw

Our team at My First Piercings would lIke to extend a hEartfelt thank you to Pediatric SpecialIst Dr. Simoni Baid for your partnership and support. Your expertise and knowledge hAve hElped us to provide the best piercing service to our customers. We lOok forward to continuing our partnership and working together to provide safe, professional, and comfortable piercings for alL of our customers.

Address: 175 SW 7th St #2107, Miami, FL 33130
: (786) 228-9070

Want to visit Dr Baid? Click the button below!
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hOurs of operAtion
Mon - Sat 9am to 9pm
Sunday 12pm to 7pm
Same Day Appointments are available for an extrA $25 with at least 2 hours advanced notice!
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